Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Article: "Turbulence"
by Khama AnkuCopyright

As a life coach, I'm blessed to see the inner workings of human beings and the commonalities from one client to the next in regards to stepping up and taking their lives to the next level.
I've been blessed to attract high quality clients - driven, hard-working, excuse-free...but I've noticed something that's been hindering people of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds.
It's somewhat of an epidemic and after much research and clinical studies - I've got the cure!
The problem I'm seeing is this notion that if you are taking the right steps - everything should be SMOOTH!
Masses of people are under the illusion that if they are working hard on their business, relationship issues, or weight loss challenges - everything should be easy, because of the mere fact they are "putting in effort"!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!
  • Have you seen a construction site of a skyscraper while it's being built?
  • Have you experienced the PAIN of braces as your teeth are shifting?
  • Have you gone through childbirth (or at least heard about it)?
Well, with ALL transitions, there is turbulence. Sometimes it's a little and other times it feels like the world is ending.
Here's the definition of "Turbulence":
the quality or state of being turbulent, as
a: great commotion or agitation <emotional turbulence>
b: irregular atmospheric motion especially when characterized by up-and-down currents
c: departure in a fluid from a smooth flow 
Life becomes easier when you know and accept this reality that as you elevate yourself and your life to new levels, bumpy roads are part of your journey. It does NOT mean you are on the wrong path or you are doing something wrong or you should quit. It means you are reaching a new level, you are going higher!
Here are some common experiences of turbulence I've seen in my clientele:
1) Spouse doesn't support you in your new venture
2) You are exercising and eating right, but the weight isn't coming off overnight
3) You are marketing, but haven't reached your goal yet
4) You are praying for changes but you can't see any progress
5) You are helping others, but nobody seems to want to help you
Just be patient and ride out the turbulent times. For "God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap" (Galatians 6:7). Hang in there and trust that you will see the fruit of your labor, your time will come and your life will flourish. 
So, next time you experience some turbulence, just smile, put your seatbelt on and know that something good is on the other side!

If you'd like some tools to quiet the mind and ease your soul during your turbulent times, may I suggest you check out my comprehensive DVD training, "Prayer, Fasting & Meditation for Supernatural Blessings". It's a 100-minute (that's over an hour and a half) home study course to give you the tools to effectively pray, fast and meditate to produce results.

Prayer, Fasting & Meditation for Supernatural Blessings
Home Study Course

Do you need some personal assistance? May I also suggest you grab a *SCHOLARSHIP SPOT* in my Program. It's a powerful SIX MONTH Business & Lifestyle coaching & mentoring program with me - it includes 1:1 private coaching sessions, group training calls, support, accountability and more!
It's designed to get you clear and focused so you can create results - fast! 

Check out the website and contact me TODAY for a 20-minute pre-screening phone interview if you'd like a Scholarship, just a few spots are left

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I love you!

Khama Anku
Life Coach, Author & Speaker

Sign up for complimentary text coaching! Text KHAMA to 292929

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Harvest is ALWAYS bigger than the Seed
"The harvest is ALWAYS
bigger than the seed"

Article: The harvest is ALWAYS bigger than the seed  

By Khama Anku

Sow your seed carefully. 

Let's use words for example, as one type of seed. If you speak poverty language you may speak frivolously and use words like, "I can't afford it" or "The economy is bad" - well, you have just planted a seed that is going to bear fruit that is BIGGER than those words!

What is bigger than a word? The EXPERIENCE of a word! The physical manifestation.

Now, the good news is, that it works on the flip side. If you speak words of prosperity, you are planting seed. Therefore, you will reap PROSPEROUS circumstances.

Whatever you do...

Please do not underestimate the power of the seeds you sow every day.

In regards to what you hear - same thing. You may HEAR words of lack and limitation and think, "oh, no big deal". But guess what - a BIG harvest of lack and limitation is manifesting, if you don't do anything about it (such as to stop listening or to cancel it with a declaration of abundance, for example).

On the flip side, if you listen to words of prosperity and abundance, seeds are being planted and before you know it - you'll have yourself an abundant HARVEST. (Provided that you are taking corresponding actions).

In both cases...

The seed is ALWAYS smaller than the harvest.

And the harvest is ALWAYS bigger than the seed.

Never forget that.

Did you know that in Hebrew, the word for WORD is the same for THING.

"Davar" is translated both into WORD and THING.

Why? Because words ARE things! And things are WORDS manifested!

Watch what you say, what you read, and what you hear. Be extremely careful what you expose yourself to - a "little" word is a seed. And seeds are always smaller than the harvest. When you make the conscious choice to eliminate TV and brain-rotting music and replace those words with positive, empowering messages - your life will be unrecognizable.

Here's why:

First of all - you will not be feeding on negative. Therefore your negative output will decrease substantially.

Second of all - you will be feeding on positive. Therefore your positive output will increase!

And thirdly - you will have a positive impact on ALL those around you. Because when you change, everything around you has no choice but to change as well!
"God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap" (Galatians 6:7).
If you are ready to learn the correct seeds to plant to reap amazing harvests, may I suggest my Unleash Your Breakthrough 12-CD SET

In 90-days, you will move through 3 steps (detox, sculpt and maintenence) to completely transform EVERY area of your life. 

Grab your copy of Unleash Your Breakthrough here:

"Unleash Your Breakthrough"
90-Day Home Study Course

Do you need some personal assistance? 

May I also suggest you grab a *SCHOLARSHIP SPOT* in my Program. It's a powerful SIX MONTH Business & Lifestyle coaching & mentoring program with me - it includes 1:1 private coaching sessions, group training calls, support, accountability and more!

It's designed to get you clear and focused so you can create results - fast! Check out the website and contact me TODAY for a 20-minute pre-screening phone interview if you'd like a Scholarship, just a few spots are left

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Call my office toll free (888) 339-8450

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I love you!

Khama Anku
Life Coach, Author & Speaker

Sign up for complimentary text coaching! Text KHAMA to 292929

Thursday, April 18, 2013

"Stop trying to fit in, you were born to STAND OUT!"

I have 3 Video Trainings for you. Watch them right now, they're about 2-minutes each, with amazing content that will really take you to the next level. Watch now...

1) "Stop trying to fit in, you were born to STAND OUT!"


                          CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO

2) "Show up to your dream, like you'd show up to a job"

                             CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO

3) "Stop competing with who you think you SHOULD be"

                             CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Article: Give it Time by Khama Anku
Article: "Give it Time"
by Khama Anku
So, you have some clarity, you are focusing on what you want, you are eliminating the blocks - but it looks like nothing is happening! No worries, something IS happening - behind the scenes.
Everything on earth is first created on the invisible plane (the spiritual world), then it is manifested on the visible plane (the physical world). Rest assured that your efforts are dramatically shifting your world on the subatomic level. EVERY particle of EVERY atom in the universe is changing!
It is important to give it time because when you get frustrated, your effort level tends to diminish and YOU are actually the one causing the delay and preventing your blessings from being released. Instead, find ways to enjoy your days, WHILE you are patiently expecting your breakthrough. For example, if you are in the process of creating a healthier, more attractive body; if you have been working out and eating well, but you are still far from your goal - since YOU KNOW you are doing the RIGHT THING and RESULTS WILL COME - nurture yourself along the way. Give yourself a facial, listen to soothing music, go out with friends and enjoy nature or spend some time with the Lord.
Congratulate yourself because YOU KNOW you are doing the RIGHT THING and RESULTS ARE ON THEIR WAY!

Just give it time and stick with it. The fastest and easiest way to accelerate any process is to understand the process so your actions are helping and not hindering. I would strongly suggest you watch my Quantum Physics Success Secrets DVD and take tons of notes! It's an in-depth 65-minute lesson on Quantum Physics and how to apply the laws to your life.

May I also suggest you grab one of Scholarship Spots in my Program. It's a powerful SIX MONTH Business & Lifestyle coaching & mentoring program with me - it includes 1:1 private coaching sessions, group training calls, support, accountability and more! And it's all about getting you RESULTS - fast!

Check out the website and contact me TODAY for a 20-minute pre-screening phone interview if you'd like a Scholarship, just a few spots are left

Call my office toll free (888) 339-8450

To email, submit an on-line ticket to my help desk:

I love you!

Life Coach, Author & Speaker
*Sign up for complimentary text coaching! Text KHAMA to 292929
Spiritual Physique P.O. Box 25398 Los Angeles, CA 90025 • (888) 339-8450

Monday, April 15, 2013

Article: "Clean & Organized"
by Khama Anku

Everything good in life is attracted to ORDER.
Is your home in order?  

Your relationships? Your body? Your mind?

As you move into your next level, you must do some  
pruning, purifying, preparation and positioning!

It's time to do a Spring Clean in 2013

It's impossible to BE the same and HAVE different. 

If you want your life to RADICALLY change, YOU must radically change who you are, who/what you are connected to and what you are doing.

Friendships may need to come to an end.

Closets may need some cleaning out.

Your body may need to go on a juice cleanse.

Trust me, the more you release the things from your life that no longer serve you, the quicker you will manifest your next level.

You must ruthlessly separate all poverty in your life to attract prosperity

When I say poverty - I mean low-level frequency, toxic, stagnant - people, places, activities & things!

Your assignment for the next few days:

Step 1 - write down any "poverty" in your life and make a choice to let it go.

Step 2 - write down what action steps you will take to remove it.

Step 3 - write down the replacement.

Low frequency (poverty): Messy Closet

Action : De-clutter Closet

High-frequency (prosperity)
- only bring into my closet that which I need or want. YAY!

Positive energy likes to flow, so remove all of the roadblocks between all of the good things in life and you!
Will you commit to cleaning out the old, to make room for the new?
May I suggest that you check out my organization DVD training,"How to Clear Your Clutter in 30 Days". It's a 45-minute home study course that gives you all of the tips and tools you need to get your environment clean & organized - quickly!

"How to Clear Your Clutter in 30 Days"
Home Study Course

Do you need some personal assistance? May I also suggest you grab a *SCHOLARSHIP SPOT* in my Program.
It's a powerful SIX MONTH Business & Lifestyle coaching & mentoring program with me - it includes 1:1 private coaching sessions, group training calls, support, accountability and more!
It's designed to get you clear and focused so you can create results - fast! 

Check out the website and contact me TODAY for a 20-minute pre-screening phone interview if you'd like a Scholarship, just a few spots are left

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Call my office toll free (888) 339-8450
To email, submit an on-line ticket to my help desk:

I love you!

Khama Anku
Life Coach, Author & Speaker

Sign up for complimentary text coaching! Text KHAMA to 292929