Article: "Old School is the New School"
by Khama AnkuCopyright
often tell me that I look very young, but have a very old soul. I take
it as a compliment. And to be honest, that is how I feel. I am blessed
with wonderful health and I have a lot of wisdom that I love to share
with others.
of the things I love most about life is personal connection, the
personal touch. I enjoy sending thank you cards, picking up the phone
instead of e-mail and sending surprise gifts to family, friends and
other day one of my clients said, "Khama, in all of my years I have
NEVER received a card from anyone I've done business with. You are the
first person to ever take the time to send a hand-written card through
the mail."
Suzy, old school is the new school.
In the hustle and bustle of social media, people have forgotten to
leverage social media and sprinkle in personal connection for the best
results. It's called:
High Tech + High Touch
you merge the two, you are living in the "sweet spot" of life in your
personal and professional relationships. If you want to stand out in
business - be everywhere - youtube, facebook, twitter, instagram,
linkedin, etc - then connect with people via the phone and real paper mail - and you will become unforgettable.
have a friend who moved to France with her husband and for my birthday,
she sent me a hand-written birthday card, from France! Not only did she
remember my birthday, send me a card, but sent it from France - while
they were in the middle of unpacking from the move. She could have sent
me an email or even an e-card, but she took the time to write me. It
meant the world to me.
So, what's my point? In your business and personal life, combine high-tech with high-touch.
in regards to clients, the BEST way to find new prospects is on-line
(99.9% of my marketing is on-line with social media and my website),
then I take it off-line.
Use the blessing of technology to cast a large net (the world-wide-web), then talk and listen to people - real-time, verbally.
have clients in the Caribbean, London, Australia, Canada and all over
the United States and they all have become clients because I use social
media wisely, then I go "Old School" and speak to them via the

Suzy, do you want to know my secrets? May I suggest you order my 45-minute Social Media DVD Training Course to learn how to:
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