"Get Clean in 2014"
by Khama AnkuCopyright www.KhamaAnku.com
Everything good in life is attracted to ORDER.
Is your home in order? Your body? Your mind? Your relationships?
As you move into your next level, you must do some pruning, purifying, preparation and positioning!
It's impossible to BE the same and HAVE different.
If you want your life to RADICALLY change, YOU must radically change who you are, who/what you are connected to and what you are doing.
Friendships may need to come to an end.
Closets may need some cleaning out.
Your body may need to go on a juice cleanse.
Trust me, the more you release the things from your life that no longer serve you, the quicker you will manifest your next level.
You must ruthlessly separate all poverty in your life to attract prosperity.
When I say poverty - I mean low-level frequency, toxic, stagnant - people, places, activities & things!
Your assignment for the next few days:
Step 1 - write down any "poverty" in your life and make a choice to let it go.
Step 2 - write down what action steps you will take to remove it.
Step 3 - write down the replacement.
Low frequency (poverty): Messy Closet
Action : De-clutter Closet
High-frequency (prosperity) - only bring into my closet that which I need or love. YAY!
Positive energy likes to flow, so remove all of the roadblocks between all of the good things in life and you!

Is your home in order? Your body? Your mind? Your relationships?
As you move into your next level, you must do some pruning, purifying, preparation and positioning!
It's time to do a Deep Clean in 2014
It's impossible to BE the same and HAVE different.
If you want your life to RADICALLY change, YOU must radically change who you are, who/what you are connected to and what you are doing.
Friendships may need to come to an end.
Closets may need some cleaning out.
Your body may need to go on a juice cleanse.
Trust me, the more you release the things from your life that no longer serve you, the quicker you will manifest your next level.
You must ruthlessly separate all poverty in your life to attract prosperity.
When I say poverty - I mean low-level frequency, toxic, stagnant - people, places, activities & things!
Your assignment for the next few days:
Step 1 - write down any "poverty" in your life and make a choice to let it go.
Step 2 - write down what action steps you will take to remove it.
Step 3 - write down the replacement.
Low frequency (poverty): Messy Closet
Action : De-clutter Closet
High-frequency (prosperity) - only bring into my closet that which I need or love. YAY!
Positive energy likes to flow, so remove all of the roadblocks between all of the good things in life and you!
Will you commit to cleaning out the old, to make room for the
new? May I suggest that you check out my organization DVD training, "How to Clear Your Clutter in 30 Days".
It's a 45-minute home study course that gives you all of the tips and
tools you need to get your environment clean & organized - quickly!
Let's not have this be you this year...
Grab your copy of "How to Clear Your Clutter in 30 Days" here:
"How to Clear Your Clutter in 30 Days"
Home Study Course
Do you need some personal assistance?
May I also suggest you grab a *SCHOLARSHIP SPOT* in my www.In6Months.com Program. It's a powerful SIX MONTH Business & Lifestyle coaching & mentoring program with me - it includes 1:1 private coaching sessions, group training calls, support, accountability and more!
It's designed to get you clear and focused so you can create results - fast!
Check out the website and contact me TODAY for a 20-minute pre-screening phone interview if you'd like a Scholarship, just a few spots are left www.In6Months.com
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I love you!
Khama Anku
Success Coach, Author & Speaker