Khama coming into our lives, we had been spinning in circles with our
coaching business for almost 4 years. Within 1 month of joining in6months.com,
we created our 6-month relationship coaching program, developed a
website to feature the program, posted youtube videos and launched a FREE training call and a FREE ebook to funnel people into our coaching
program. We completely transformed our mindset and our business to
attract ideal clients.
Within our 2nd month of in6months.com, we officially launched our program and immediately secured our first paying clients!
Before in6months.com - zero clients for four years, after 6 weeks with Khama - A FLOOD OF NEW BUSINESS!"
Luisa Otero & Michael Sirignano
Go get your 6-month scholarship right now at www.in6months.com so you too can experience an exponential growth in your coaching business, just like Luisa & Mike did.
Life & Success Coach, Author & Speaker