Monday, August 20, 2012

Article: "Give It Time" By Khama Anku
Article: "Give it Time"
by Khama Anku
So, you have some clarity, you are focusing on what you want, you are eliminating the blocks - but it looks like nothing is happening! No worries, something IS happening - behind the scenes.
Everything on earth is first created on the invisible plane (the spiritual world), then it is manifested on the visible plane (the physical world). Rest assured that your efforts are dramatically shifting your world on the subatomic level. EVERY particle of EVERY atom in the universe is changing!
It is important to give it time because when you get frustrated, your effort level tends to diminish and YOU are actually the one causing the delay and preventing your blessings from being released.
Instead, find ways to enjoy your days, WHILE you are patiently expecting your breakthrough. For example, if you are in the process of creating a healthier, more attractive body; if you have been working out and eating well, but you are still far from your goal - since YOU KNOW you are doing the RIGHT THING and RESULTS WILL COME - nurture yourself along the way. Give yourself a facial, listen to soothing music, go out with friends and enjoy nature or spend some time with the Lord.
Congratulate yourself because YOU KNOW you are doing the RIGHT THING and RESULTS ARE ON THEIR WAY!
Just give it time and stick with it. The fastest and easiest way to accelerate any process is to understand the process so your actions are helping and not hindering. I would strongly suggest you watch my Quantum Physics Success Secrets DVD and take tons of notes! It's an in-depth 65-minute lesson on Quantum Physics and how to apply the laws to your life.

May I also suggest you grab one of Scholarship Spots in my Program. It's a powerful SIX MONTH Business & Lifestyle coaching & mentoring program with me - it includes 1:1 private coaching sessions, group training calls, f'ree product and more! And it's all about getting you RESULTS - fast!


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I love you!

Khama Anku
Life Coach, Author & Speaker

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