Article: "The Law of Distraction"by Khama AnkuCopyright
One of the hottest topics in the self-empowerment field is the Law of Attraction.
Well, as equally important is what I call, "The Law of Distraction".
have found that people are way too distracted and THAT, as opposed to
the lack of skills and information, is the cause for many unfulfilled
lives and unrealized dreams.
If you are not clear on what you want in life, figure it out, and then - ferociously CUT OUT all the distractions.
For example, if you want to create and maintain healthy, loving
relationships - stop watching a show with the word "desperate" in the
There are too many smart, hard-working people wasting their precious
time embedding their subconscious mind with words and images of people
lying, gossiping, stealing, cheating and hurting others.
If you don't want to be abused - stop subjecting yourself to abuse, masked with the name of "entertainment".
those hours every week praying to your Father, taking a bubble bath,
listening to something soothing or empowering, having a nice chat with a
good friend, having a family dinner or sitting on the beach!
Your life will SKYROCKET when you eliminate want you do NOT want in your life - and replace it with what you DO want.
I'll repeat, your life will SKYROCKET when you eliminate want you do NOT want in your life - and replace it with what you DO want.
There is absolutely NO POINT in thinking, saying and visualizing a great life, and then listening to and watching unhealthy, dysfunctional ones!
It's pointless to spend your time and energy focusing on what
you want and then turning around and drenching yourself in the
witnessing of beliefs and actions that are completely contradictory to where you want to go and who you want to be!
Now that you know that the Law of Distraction is as equally important as the Law of Attraction.
How committed are you to your breakthrough?
If you are not eliminating the distractions, why are you expecting the attractions?
If you are not giving 100%, why are you complaining?
99% is the same as ZERO! What kind of effort are you REALLY putting in to reaching your goals?
Are you investing into yourself and your education?
Are you seeking resources to support you?
Or are you allowing the distractions of the world get in your way? Are you using them to stay ignorant?
Please do not become guilt and blame ridden, just start to make a change and watch your life transform!
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