As a life coach, I'm blessed to see the inner workings of human beings and the commonalities from one client to the next in regards to stepping up and taking their lives to the next level.
I've been blessed to attract high
quality clients - driven, hard-working, excuse-free...but I've noticed
something that's been hindering people of all ages, ethnicities,
economic statuses, backgrounds and genders.
It's somewhat of an epidemic and after much research and clinical studies - I've got the cure!
The problem I'm seeing is this notion that if you are taking the right steps - everything should be SMOOTH!
Masses of people are under the
illusion that if they are working hard on their business, relationship
issues, weight loss challenges, or f1nancial status - everything should
be easy, because of the mere fact they are "putting in effort "!
Nothing could be farther from the truth!
- Have you seen a construction site of a skyscraper while it's being built?
- Have you experienced the PAIN of braces as your teeth are shifting?
- Have you gone through childbirth (or at least heard about it)?
Well, with ALL transitions, there is turbulence. Sometimes it's a little and other times it feels like the world is ending.
Here's the definition of "Turbulence":
the quality or state of being turbulent, as
a: great commotion or agitation <emotional turbulence>
b: irregular atmospheric motion especially when characterized by up-and-down currents
c: departure in a fluid from a smooth flow
Life becomes easier when you know and accept this reality that as you elevate yourself and your life to new levels, bumpy roads are part of your journey.
It does NOT mean you are on the wrong path or you are doing something
wrong or you should quit. It means you are reaching a new level, you are
going higher!
Here are some common experiences of turbulence I've seen in my clientele:
1) Spouse doesn't support you in your bus1ness
2) You are exercising and eating right, but the weight isn't coming off overnight
3) You are marketing, but haven't made a million dollars yet
4) You are praying for changes but you can't see any progress
5) You are helping others, but nobody seems to want to help you
Just be patient and ride out the turbulent times. For "God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap"
(Galatians 6:7). Hang in there and trust that you will see the fruit of
your labor, your time will come and your life will flourish.
So, next time you experience some turbulence, just smile, put your seatbelt on and know that something good is on the other side!
I love you!
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I would love to hear from you!
P.S. If you'd like some tools to quiet the mind and ease your soul during your Turbulent Times, may I suggest you check out my DVD training, Prayer, Fasting & Meditation for Supernatural Blessings!

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*Two more things!
#1) Be sure to sign up for my complimentary text coaching! Text KHAMA to 292929
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