CLIENT SPOTLIGHT: Sandra Everett - Natural Health & Wellness Coach & Raw Vegan Chef

Since being in the program, I have accomplished the following:
#1) I have been given a $5,000 budget approval by the Urban Ministry of Birmingham, AL to facilitate classes through The Cancer Project ( as a Food for Life Diabetes Program Facilitator and Cooking Instructor.
#2) I have booked Speaking Engagements! One of my goals is to speak. And in one day, I was asked by TWO organizations to speak to the community and to educators on health and nutrition!
#3) I have booked a raw food catering job!
#4) I will be speaking to the diabetes educators’ community in Birmingham on why a plant-based diet has been proven to prevent or reverse the symptoms of diabetes.
#5) I have been very successful at selling my raw food products at local farmers markets, and I also receive orders to prepare raw foods to customers.
#6) I have JV’d with another health coach to launch a new diabetes program that is plant-based. The program is called Blood Sugar Breakthrough: 8 Weeks to Better Blood Sugar Control.
#7) I will be launching my new weight loss group program…90 Days to a Whittled Waist and Longer Life
#8) And because of making some marketing strategy changes Khama suggested, I am more focused and effective! My open rate for my newsletter has increased as well as the numbers of signups for my newsletter, and I am getting people on my calendar.
Since being in, I have seen a shift in my life, my confidence, and in my business. I am seeing many of my goals manifesting!
I appreciate you Khama for your openness and wonderful high spirit and your unconditional love to teach, to guide, to promote and to empower your clients to their fullest potential. It's because of you and your direction, I have been able to move past many fears."
~ Sandra Everett of
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