Monday, May 20, 2013

Article: "High-Level Time Saver Secrets"
by Khama AnkuCopyright
"Do you sleep?"

"How do you get so much done?"

"What are your secrets to managing a successful business and fulfilling life?"

I'm asked these questions all of the time. And yes, I sleep.

Simple Time Management is the key. I value my time and spend it very wisely, each day that passes - is gone forever. So, I make sure I make the most of every second.

I work hard and a play hard. I also delegate tasks to others so I can focus on what I truly enjoy doing - in my personal and professional life.

Here are some quick and easy time savers:

I have a weekly housekeeper. Saves me 5 hours/week = 20 hours/month!

I have a laundry service. Saves me 2 hours/week = 8 hours/month!

I have a virtual assistant. Saves me 10 hours/week = 40 hours/month!

I have a personal assistant. Saves me 10 hours/week = 40 hours/month!

I have groceries delivered. Saves me 1.5 hour/week = 6 hours/month!

I have a monthly in-home massage. Saves me 1 hour/month in driving!

I also batch my tasks, so I spend focused time completing many of the same tasks (such as responding emails only I can answer), rather than willy-nilly answering emails every time a new one pops into my inbox.

Batching saves me 10 hours/week (at least) = 40 hours/month

I don't watch television. Saves me 15 hours/week = 60 hours/month

That's over 200 hours a month I save.

That's more than FIVE 40-hour work weeks I save/create each month!

High-Level Time Savers...that's my Secret.

You can start somewhere. Don't give into the excuse,"I can't afford it". Cut the cable and use those funds to hire someone to clean your house. No TV + No Cleaning = at LEAST 40 hours/month!

If you are ready to learn simple, yet life-changing time saver secrets, may I invite you to order my complete Simple Time Management System - it's a 60-minute home study training that will teach you EXACTLY how to shape your day - to be highly effective, energetic and happy!

Simple Time Management
Home Study Course

Be sure to check out my entire 28 Instructional DVD Collection

Do you need some personal assistance?

May I also suggest you grab a *SCHOLARSHIP SPOT* in my Program. It's a powerful SIX MONTH Business & Lifestyle coaching & mentoring program with me - it includes 1:1 private coaching sessions, group training calls, support, accountability and more!
It's designed to get you clear and focused so you can create results - fast! 

Check out the website and contact me TODAY for a 20-minute pre-screening phone interview if you'd like a Scholarship, just a few spots are left

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Khama Anku
Life Coach, Author & Speaker

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