Monday, August 12, 2013

"The harvest is ALWAYS bigger than the seed"
"The harvest is ALWAYS
bigger than the seed"

Article: The harvest is ALWAYS bigger than the seed  

By Khama Anku

Sow your seed carefully. 

Let's use words for example, as one type of seed. If you speak poverty language you may speak frivolously and use words like, "I can't afford it" or "The economy is bad" - well, you have just planted a seed that is going to bear fruit that is BIGGER than those words!

What is bigger than a word? The EXPERIENCE of a word! The physical manifestation.

Now, the good news is, that it works on the flip side. If you speak words of prosperity, you are planting seed. Therefore, you will reap PROSPEROUS circumstances.

Whatever you do...

Please do not underestimate the power of the seeds you sow every day.

In regards to what you hear - same thing. You may HEAR words of lack and limitation and think, "oh, no big deal". But guess what - a BIG harvest of lack and limitation is manifesting, if you don't do anything about it (such as to stop listening or to cancel it with a declaration of abundance, for example).

On the flip side, if you listen to words of prosperity and abundance, seeds are being planted and before you know it - you'll have yourself an abundant HARVEST. (Provided that you are taking corresponding actions).

In both cases...

The seed is ALWAYS smaller than the harvest.

And the harvest is ALWAYS bigger than the seed.

Never forget that.

Did you know that in Hebrew, the word for WORD is the same for THING.

"Davar" is translated both into WORD and THING.

Why? Because words ARE things! And things are WORDS manifested!

Watch what you say, what you read, and what you hear. Be extremely careful what you expose yourself to - a "little" word is a seed. And seeds are always smaller than the harvest. When you make the conscious choice to eliminate TV and brain-rotting music and replace those words with positive, empowering messages - your life will be unrecognizable.

Here's why:

First of all - you will not be feeding on negative. Therefore your negative output will decrease substantially.

Second of all - you will be feeding on positive. Therefore your positive output will increase!

And thirdly - you will have a positive impact on ALL those around you. Because when you change, everything around you has no choice but to change as well!

"God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap" (Galatians 6:7).
If you are ready to learn the correct seeds to plant to reap amazing harvests, may I suggest my Unleash Your Breakthrough 12-CD SET

In 90-days, you will move through 3 steps (detox, sculpt and maintenence) to completely transform EVERY area of your life. 

Grab your copy of Unleash Your Breakthrough here:

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Do you need some personal assistance? 

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Khama Anku
Life Coach, Author & Speaker

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