Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Your Website is your ATM Machine
by Khama AnkuCopyright www.SpiritualPhysique.com

Do you have a website for your business?

Do you have clients and customers placing their orders 24/7 for products and services?

I do. And in today's article, I will share with you THREE steps you can take TODAY to increase your web traffic and ultimately your conversion rates - so you can acquire more clients and customers.

Firstly, you must put focus ON your website. I don't mean changing the photos or the wording 100 times to get it "perfect". I'm referring to driving traffic to your site so you can secure your prospects' contact information.

I LOVE facebook, twitter, youtube and linkedin as portals to "put myself out there" and invite people to my website. Once they opt-in, then I can communicate on a very personal level because I have their direct email address and phone number.

Tip #1) Drive people to your website with a FREE offer. Such as

  • A complimentary ebook, e-course, report or audio download
  • A video series, live webinar or live tele-seminar


Secondly, once you have your prospects information. Give them value in exchange for it. It's always about quality over quantity - and if you have both, great. But don't make yourself crazy trying to create 5 ebooks, just because I offer 5. I'd rather you start with one quality ebook and see that you are marketing it all over the internet and securing clients. Then spending your time creating multiple e-books and delaying your success because you keep creating content.

Tip #2) Engage with your new follower

  • Do you have a weekly radio show?
  • Do you send out regular content-rich e-mails that will educate and inspire them? Do you nourish them with information that transforms their lives, or do you only contact them when you want something?

For example, I offer a complimentary weekly Saturday Training Call (www.10kcall.com). I fill it to the brim with tips and stategies my listeners can apply immediately and produce results. I engage with my list on a consistent basis.

*Pssst - go and sign up for my next training --> www.10kcall.com

Tip #3) Give a call to action

And lastly, be sure to give a call to action. What is the best next step? For example, when you register for www.10kcall.com - you'll see that not only do I give an AMAZING training, I invite the participants to schedule a pre-screening phone interview for my www.in6months.com coaching & mentoring program.

Do not assume your website visitors know what to do when they come to your site. So...tell them :-) As the saying goes,"A confused mind, always says NO". You want them to say YES - so make it very simple.Give calls to action on your website and keep giving the calls to action in your e-books, tele-seminars, videos - you are giving your follower a gift by letting him or her know what to do. 

Would you like to turn your website into an ATM machine? May I invite you to pick up a copy of my 85-minute (nearly 1 1/2 hours of content)

It's a complete home study course to give you the tools to maximize your website. You'll learn:

  • Easy ways to generate free, qualified traffic to your website
  • How to increase your subscriber list
  • Which software and systems I use and highly recommend

Website Succes
Home Study Course

Or click here to view my entire 28 Instructional DVD Collection

Do you need some personal assistance?

May I also suggest you grab a *SCHOLARSHIP SPOT* in my www.In6Months.com Program. It's a powerful SIX MONTH Business & Lifestyle coaching & mentoring program with me - it includes 1:1 private coaching sessions, group training calls, support, accountability and more!
It's designed to get you clear and focused so you can create results - fast! 

Check out this client testimonial for www.in6months.com

“Since becoming an in6months.com client, I attracted 9 ideal clients (premiere business owners in Houston) in TWO WEEKS, my fanpage grew to 4321, I launched a membership coaching program AND I have been chosen by Award Winning Producer, Tracey Edmonds & B.E.T Founder, Bob Johnson as one of their Alright TV Vloggers!

Kachelle Kelly
Pearland, TX

Check out the website and contact me TODAY for a 20-minute pre-screening phone interview if you'd like a Scholarship, just a few spots are left www.In6Months.com

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I love you!

Khama Anku
Life Coach, Author & Speaker

Sign up for complimentary text coaching! Text KHAMA to 292929