"How to Fatten Your Piggy Bank"
Would you like to fatten your piggy bank?
Do you feel like your life would be drastically different if lack of funds weren't holding you back?
Would you be able to invest into your business for exponential growth?
Would you be able to take better care of your health, better care of your family?
a few seconds and think about it, if you had a fat piggy bank, would
you be, do and have a different life? If you had increased income, no
debt and were financially free?
the answer is, "Yes Coach Khama, my life would be different if I had a
fat piggy bank, I'm willing to work to make the change, but I don't know
This article is for you.

Step #1) To fatten up your piggy bank, first put it on a diet.
Yes, you need to go on a spending
diet. Go through your last 6-12 months of bank statements, and see where
you've been foolishly, or simply unconsciously spending your money. Are
you getting taken to the cleaners with overdraft fees because of
mis-management and impatience? Or, have you been keeping your head in
the sand and overpaying your bills because you just "haven't had the
time" to call companies and reduce your expenses?
Today, call every company you do business with (home phone, cell phone, etc.) and see if you can reduce the fee.
If you run a business, see how you can lower your expenses, or if they
are not bringing a return on your investment, cut them out
completely. Trust me, start here - plug the holes now, so you can
"snowball" that extra 'found money' - to pay off your debts and make
wise investments to catapult your life to a new dimension.
*Here's the coolest part about step 1: it will feel like you just got a raise!

Step 2) Think of a product or service you can exchange for money and GET HELP TO LEARN HOW TO MONETIZE YOUR IDEAS!
If you have been running around the same mountains over and over and
over - year after year - stop! Get yourself in a program, such as in6months.com - and let a professional (me) guide you, support you and give you the proper tools and skill sets necessary to succeed.
the only way you know if you really know something is by your results.
Now please do not take offense by my next statement, my heart is in the
right place and I want you to succeed. But if you are constantly
"robbing Peter to pay Paul" you don't know what you are doing.
*Stop abusing yourself by staying ignorant and allow someone to help you.

Step #3) Be consistent and never give up.
And listen to me when I say, be consistent and never give up...that
means - STAY FOCUSED and stop hopping around like a freakin' grasshopper
- jumping around from one idea to the next, calling that being
consistent and never giving up.
I'm talking about F.O.C.U.S.
Follow One Course Until Successful
will never be successful chasing after multiple ideas simultaneously.
This also includes coaches - stop trying to follow multiple leaders,
because even if you have 10 great leaders, each one is attempting to
take you on different path.
*When you spread yourself out too thin, you end up going nowhere ...fast!

"How to become a 6-figure income earner - doing what you love"
It's a complete home study course to give you the tools to succeed financially. You'll learn:
- How to break the “just barely making ends meet” mentality
- How to adopt a prosperity mindset and maintain it permanently
- How to infuse your mind with wealth producing ideas
- How to be a money making machine WHILE *BLESSING* others

How to become a 6-figure income earner
- doing what you love
Home Study Course
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