people I speak with these days tell me that they have a message they
would like to share with the world to help people. I hear dreams such
"I want to be on Oprah" or "I want to have a New York Times Bestseller" or
"I want to be on stage and speak to thousands of people" for example.
Then, I hear, "but I'm afraid of being famous" or "I don't want people looking at me. I don't want people judging me."
Hmmm, well, how are you going to help masses of people and be on TV
with a best selling book - if you don't want anyone to look at you and
know your name?
It ain't gonna happen.
me, if I could have built my international coaching and mentoring
business and remained the private person I am naturally - I'd would have
done it. But that's just not how it happens.
of my clients initially find me on-line - youtube, facebook, twitter,
linked in, for example. They sign-up for an ebook or inquire about my
coaching services - and then if it's a fit - we work together.
I have clients from all over the world - all because I'm kinda "famous".
Fame is actually not a dirty word.
The definition of FAME is: The condition of being known or talked about by many people, especially on account of notable achievements.
If you really want to succeed, you are going to have to embrace and accept that fame is part of the package.
Do you know the business equation of success?
It's 10% Content + 20% Presentation + 70% Exposure = SUCCESS

The definition of EXPOSURE is: the condition of being presented to view or made known.
you want to be successful, you need to let others see you and hear what
you have to offer. You have to put yourself in clear view of others, so
you can be "made known" as the definition states. You need EXPOSURE.
There just isn't any other way.
can be GREAT at what you do and have a website with all of the bells
and whistles, but if nobody knows who you are - you will struggle!
is why it's important to EXPOSE yourself and your business -
conistently. If you do not have a marketing plan and schedule in place,
may I suggest you check out my Marketing DVD Training Program. It's filled to the brim with strategies that you can easily implement that will produce extraordinary and immediate results!
believe me when I say the pros to being "famous" far outweight the
cons. Here are just a few benefits that I would like to share with you:
1) I am able to share my message with thousands of people around the world.
2) I make a living, working from home.
3) I am my own boss. I create my own schedule.
4) I receive the most AMAZING testimonials from clients - it's so rewarding!
Seriously, learn how to properly market yourself, so you can experience the same benefits.
Order Marketing Tips, Tricks & Techniques here:

"Marketing Tips, Tricks & Techniques"
Home Study Course
Do you need some personal assistance?
May I also suggest you grab a *SCHOLARSHIP SPOT* in my www.In6Months.com Program. It's a powerful SIX MONTH Business & Lifestyle coaching & mentoring program with me - it includes 1:1 private coaching sessions, value-rich training calls, stellar support, accountability and more! The program is designed to get you clear and focused so you can create results - fast!
Check out this client testimonial for www.in6months.com

“This program changed my life! Before working with Khama, I was going in circles like a mad woman. I had no real confidence of who I was and what God truly wanted me to do. I was on a full time job that I knew was a dead end for me. I was tired of not living out my purpose and doing what God created me to be. I wanted to spend more time with my family!
Since being a part of the in6months.com program I have:
Released my first audio and e-book for download on my website
Enrolled my boys into a prestigous private school
Launched my coaching business full time
Left my dead end job to pursue my passion
Gained incredible confidence that I had no idea I had
Launched a girls mentorship program and attracted a director
Launched a weekly radio show
Consistently generated new leads for my business and
This program is life changing! Just do what Khama tells you to do and I promise you will see results!
Khama is an awesome coach with a passion to see people have amazing
success. I am so honored to have been trained by such a passionate
leader.”Enrolled my boys into a prestigous private school
Launched my coaching business full time
Left my dead end job to pursue my passion
Gained incredible confidence that I had no idea I had
Launched a girls mentorship program and attracted a director
Launched a weekly radio show
Consistently generated new leads for my business and
Keysha Bass
Renton, Washington
Check out the website and contact me TODAY for a 20-minute pre-screening phone interview if you'd like a Scholarship, just a few spots are left www.In6Months.com
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