Article: "60 Seconds vs. 60 Minutes"
by Khama AnkuCopyright
is said that the same person who may only be willing to spend 60
seconds on your website, would be willing to spend 60 MINUTES listening
to your audio.
Tele-seminars are where it's at!
have been able to do what I love (working from home, serving clients I
adore, traveling internationally, etc) only needing a phone and my
laptop computer. I cherish every moment, and I know how blessed I am...
content-rich, high-value tele-seminars has been one of my secret
ingredients to my successful life coaching practice - to secure ideal
clients, maintain those clients and generate a massive amount of product

If you have a passion for something, know that people need it
and want to share it over the phone, tele-seminars are one of the best
marketing strategies for quick and easy business building.
can use tele-seminars to build your list, sell products and programs
and generate IMMEDIATE cash flow. The key is to give value, help people
right then and there on the call, then invite them to take the next
For example, I host two weekly tele-seminars. First, my Tuesday Night Call - which
is my spiritual equipping call, packed with Biblically based success
principles for my listeners to build spiritual, emotional and mental
Then, I also host my - a business intensive every Saturday, filled to the brim with mindset, marketing and passive income mastery strategies.
Now there is a science to all of this...

both tele-seminars, I create an outline for content with my rule of
95/5 - 95% easy-to-implement how-to's and only 5% promotional
you provide a TON of value and sprinkle in instructions on how the
listener can work with you or order your product, it's a win-win recipe!
Now, read this next part very carefully,
it's going to BLOW YOUR MIND!
You can re-purpose your tele-seminars on so many levels, you can...
#1) Host a live tele-seminar
#2) Host a pre-recorded "live replay" (time-released for a set date/time)
#3) Offer a replay of the call for all registered participants
#4) Offer transcripts of the call
#5) Offer an MP3 Download or CD version of the tele-seminar
#6) Create a home study course with a CD series, like my Unleash Your Breakthrough 12-CD SET ( don't even need to go to a studio to record!)
#7) Use them as the core of a coaching program, just like I do with my training calls in my coaching and mentoring program.

can bring in new clients, retain existing clients and be sold as their
own products. Talk about leveraging profit streams to the max!
you know how to conduct tele-seminars, they are fun to host, extremely
rewarding and can be huge moneymakers, right from the comfort of your
own home – wearing your warm-up suit and fuzzy socks!
Be sure to join me on my weekly Tuesday night calls at 4pm PST/7pm EST - put a reminder on your phone to dial (206) 402-0100 Pin Code: 214034# or join my webcast & listen from a computer
And also be sure to sign up for my Saturday Business Trainings at noon PST/3pm EST - register here -->
Be sure to join me on my weekly Tuesday night calls at 4pm PST/7pm EST - put a reminder on your phone to dial (206) 402-0100 Pin Code: 214034# or join my webcast & listen from a computer
And also be sure to sign up for my Saturday Business Trainings at noon PST/3pm EST - register here -->
By being a participant on my tele-seminars, not
only will you learn a ton, you'll see and experience 1st hand: how I
send out reminders (by text, email and on social media), host the call,
as well as my follow-up process.
One last thing..if you'd like tools and training on how to
effectively conduct tele-seminars, may I invite you to pick up a copy of
my 75-minute DVD training program, "How to Effectively Conduct Tele-Seminars to Generate Sales and Secure Clients".
It's a complete home study course to give you the tools to succeed.
You'll learn:
- How to structure your teleseminars for new clients and customers
- How to maximize your teleseminars for client retention
- The best places to find people to invite to your teleseminars
- The mistake I made that you don't want to make...ever!
- How to profit from both free and paid tele-seminars
- And much, much more!
Order How to Effectively Conduct Teleseminars here:

How to Effectively Conduct Tele-Seminars to
Generate Sales and Secure Clients
Home Study Course
Or click here to view my entire 28 Instructional DVD Collection
Would you like private coaching with me? May I also suggest you grab a *SCHOLARSHIP SPOT* in my Program. It's a powerful SIX MONTH Business & Lifestyle coaching & mentoring program with me - it includes 1:1 private coaching sessions, group training calls, support, accountability and more!
It's designed to get you clear and focused so you can create results - fast!
Check out this client testimonial for

“My husband and I came across Khama on Facebook. We started to watch everything we could get our hands on (videos, videos, and MORE videos). I loved her no nonsense approach with the gentle touch!!!!! We spent one Sunday afternoon watching her videos and liked what we saw and heard. Shortly after that, we made the decision to invest in ourselves and equip ourselves with Khama’s success tools (her “How-To” DVDs) that we needed to be successful in our endeavor to coach, train and mentor; in an efficient and successful manner. We had previously made an investment in this area, but Khama dealt with the practical aspects (what I call the nuts and bolts of the business). In the meantime, I continued to watch the videos online and started implementing some of the tips she provided. Then, I decided to enroll in Khama’s training program because I wanted more and I knew she had the knowledge and expertise in the area that I needed.
Since becoming one of Khama’s Clients, in less than SIX WEEKS, the following has manifested:
#1. Client Acquisition - First and foremost, I have secured NEW coaching clients effortlessly and I am continuously improving and working where I am, with what I have and improving daily. It felt so good to provide a professional contract and guidelines to my clients and not have to labor intensively over producing them (Khama’s “How to Fill Your Life Coaching Practice with Ideal Clients – Fast” DVD includes all of the templates, contracts, etc to start a new client).
#2. Speaking Engagements – I have partnered with another financial expert for a live event in Greensboro, NC. Talk about confidence and passion. I realized that once you have a focused vision you can actually see the doors that God has already opened for you. Now! An interesting note here is that I acquired a client out of this venture! I truly believe that the content rich marketing Khama taught me to include weekly teleseminars, testimonials, etc., had a lot to do with converting this person from a potential client into a paying client.
#3. Developed Website - My partner (husband) and I were shopping around to get assistance with the development of our website. Well, after hearing Khama say, “work with what you have, where you are”. My hubby decided to take on this task and he has done a marvelous job.
#4. Weekly Teleconferences – Hosting a teleconference was already part of what I offered. But after listening to Khama talk about consistency, we made the necessary adjustments and started to host the teleseminars on a weekly basis.
#5. Video blogging – This was a big step for me. Khama’s coaching help me to realize how important this step is in our business, therefore, off I went to venture out into the area of video blogging and got over myself and the anxiety about doing them.
#6. Developed Vision - I became more focused. Although I had the knowledge of developing a vision (goals) and had done it in the past and was successful at accomplishing what I had set out to do. I had not developed a vision in a long time. Therefore, some stuff (not so good stuff) started to creep back into my life and my mind. The development of the 6 month vision was a kick in the pants to wake up and re ap the harvest God has promised me. I love it! The development of my vision has helped me to gain confidence, move past my fears and eliminate time wasters in my life. Whatever is not in line of what I am calling into my life has no room in my life.
Khama has beautifully provided and continues to provide a road map for the success of our business. A coaching session with Khama will put your brain to work overtime (even while you sleep

Natalia Fisher-Jackson of Durham, North Carolina
Check out the website and contact me TODAY for a 20-minute pre-screening phone interview if you'd like a Scholarship, just a few spots are left
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